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Gabe’s Posts


Gabe is an avid adventurer who has both climbed Everest while holding his breath and drank two gallons of milk in an hour.  He is currently training for a cross country big wheel tricycle race.

Or if you want to get to know the real Gabe, you can read more here.

How to grow coffee in your backyard!

How to grow coffee in your backyard!

You won’t want to miss out on how to grow coffee in your own backyard! Its fun and simple – Just follow the steps we lay out for maximum flavor!

3 Incredible Life Lessons From a Killer Whale Attack

3 Incredible Life Lessons From a Killer Whale Attack

The incredible story of Ken Peters, Seaworld Trainer, surviving Kasatka, The Killer Whale, and 3 Life Lessons we can take away from this inspirational moment and scene from the controversial movie Blackfish.