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About Us: The Guys

Well first thing to know about us is how we met in the first place.  Chris and Gabe met during grade school and have pretty much been best friends ever since.

Adam came in later as Chris’ high school youth pastor.  During Chris’ high school education, he and Adam were close, but after high school though Chris and Adam worked on several projects and ministries together and a lifelong friendship was formed.

Gabe and Adam had met on several occasions through Chris which then ended up laying the ground work for our partnership.



Chris Cheney

Chris Cheney

Chris was born and raised in Toledo, Ohio.  Upon graduating high school he went on to college to earn both his Bachelor’s and Master’s degrees in Accounting from Bowling Green State University.  During his studies Chris secured tax and accounting internships at HCR Manorcare, Ernst and Young (EY), and Lourdes College. Through these opportunities, he was offered a full time position at EY.  After starting with EY, Chris successfully passed the CPA exam and is currently licensed in the State of Ohio.  At this time Chris is still working in the Ernst and Young tax practice.

In addition to his professional accomplishments, Chris has also actively volunteered with various local non-profits, specifically focused on youth development and financial counseling.  He has also served on the board of Solid Rock Ministries in the roll of treasurer.  Chris is happily married to the love of his life, Nancy, and together they have a young son.  They hope to one day travel the world together.  (Click Here to View Chris’s Blog Page)

Adam Holroyd

Adam Holroyd

Adam was born and raised in Moline, Illinois. A city part of the Quad Cities and is the international
headquarters for John Deere. After graduating from Moline High School in 1996 Adam went to college at North Central University to pursue a career as a minister. Instead of getting his degree from North Central University he walked away with a bride! After getting married to Jessica in 1998 he finished college in Florida with a degree in Pastoral Studies. From there, Adam and Jessica started on their venture together in ministry in Toledo, Ohio as youth pastors. They also started to work on a family as well.

After 7 years spent in the Toledo area working in various churches and ministries, and 4 kids later, they moved to the Upper Peninsula of Michigan to a small town called Iron River. While working part time in a ministry position Adam had to find another source of income to support their endeavors. During this time he was employed by a wireless internet service provider as a home installer. After 2 years of bi-vocational ministry Adam decided it was time to venture out on his own and started his own ISP company. A year and a half into that venture he partnered with a company in Eagle River, Wisconsin where he is now the VP of Network Operations and is a partner in the company.

Adam and Jessica are very active in their kids’ lives and in the life of the community. Adam has coached High School football for 4 years, along with soccer and basketball teams for his kids. Jessica is actively involved in the local theater group and both enjoy outdoor activities with the family going fishing and camping.  Adam’s blogs will focus on several areas which he is passionate about including: Coffee, Family Life, and Small Business StartUps.  (Click Here to View Adam’s Blog Page)

Gabe Whitmer

Gabe Whitmer

Gabe is a proud new parent of his daughter, Eleanor Rene. He and his wife have been married since 2008 and they love every second of it. He is originally from Toledo, Ohio and now lives in Chattanooga, TN. He is a sales manager, which is both intense and fun—he always looks forward to the challenges the job brings. Gabe’s true passion is helping people, which usually means having both a creative spirit and hard work.

What’s Mission Arabica to Gabe?  Patton Oswalt, the actor who plays “Spencer” on King of Queens, came out with a quote recently about all the evil that is going on in the world. He said, “If it’s one person, or a HUNDRED people, that number is not even a fraction of a fraction of a percent of the population on this planet.” Basically, there is a lot of good in the world. The “evil” we see, well, it’s very limited, but it is so very apparent.  He likes this quote because he believes there is a lot of good in the world—and wants to help be a light and to use the gifts God’s given him.

Mission Arabica is one outlet for him to do that, along with two men that he not only trusts, but thinks the world of. The beginning is coffee blogging, but the end goal is to create jobs and help change a culture in a foreign country that is not only limited on jobs, but is desperate for HOPE.  Gabe doesn’t want the good to be dissipated to a fraction of a fraction of a percent. He wants the good to shine; he wants the good to overcome evil and to win at all costs. He wants to further the cause; creating jobs, creating hope. (Click Here to View Gabe’s Blog Page)

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